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  • rkcraig348

    The Hammerhead is the name you were trying to remember, but I have to agree with James Vega, The Mako can take a hit and just keep on going. The Hammerhead that you and Steve Cortez like so much, had toilet paper thin shields. lol.Here's hoping that they will do a Mass Effect Keep, a la Dragon Age. I'd love to see some choices that we've made still playout. Genophage cured or not? Peace between Quarians or Geth? However it all plays out, I'm truly looking forward to it and to your LP of it.

  • Wayne Cox

    I'm curious how they would handle a Synthesis ending in this game. Even though it's moving to a different galaxy, the Synthesis ending shows clearly that everyone has this strange green stuff all over them. So the species that moved from the Milky Way to Andromeda would have all that green stuff all over them. Which would be weird.

  • CallindorCray

    First Contact War between your chosen race and the imperium of the protheans during their war against the reapers.

    It is always good for an ending of a game to make different endings available. But with that, it is very bad to continue from there with a following project. And having a very similar playthrough by ignoring the endings or saying because of this or that shady reason will insult the fans of the series.

    The writers and developers might choke on this piece of work. Is a ME 4 needed or are they just milking the cow a bit more as long as it lasts?

    They won't create a game playing after ME 3 as they won't create 4 different worlds regarding your choice in ME 3. So it must be a playing before and the protheans are the only race known to have existed before the other races by now. So they being the ally or great bad foe is quite reasonable.

    But the cracker is, that, according to lore, the protheans dominated their cycle. So the race you will play will be dominated and just be trown down by them during the game meaning the player can assume the plot.

    All in all, either ME 4 plays before or after ME 3, Bioware will have their problems to make the setting reasonable.

  • Bill Sutherby

    I thought that Bioware said that they were done with Shepard's story. So is that really Shepard or a different N7?

  • FlightyBoat

    In a blog post bioware says the story takes place "long after" the original trilogy. Hopefully, Bioware adds some new aliens (which im sure they will) but I did spot a Krogan in the trailer!