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  • Bestyman Does Games

    They skipped windows 9 because of a line of code in windows that says any version starting with 9 is either 95 or 98

  • Oplex

    Windows 9 would cause coding in old softwares to get mixed up data from windows 95 and windows 98 or something like that :)

  • ktstratic

    A lot of people don't understand why they are releasing another version of minecraft.

    The current minecraft on PC is just a mess of jumbled code. Windows 10 version will be written in C++ instead of Java (all other versions besides PC run on C++, it's way better for games compared to Java).

    In windows 10 version it'll allow cross platform along almost all platforms PC, Mobile, and Xbox one. 4J will likely take over development for all Sony platforms and the 360 while Mojang updates Xbox One, PC, and Mobile.

    Since Xbox is getting windows 10 soon that's how it allows cross platform play and with windows 10 universal apps PC, Mobile, and Xbox One will always be at the same update.

    This also pretty much confirms dedicated servers and Mods for Xbox one. Their will likely be a hub for all mods like steam workshop or how Bethesda is doing mods on fallout 4.

    Sony versions and Xbox 360 likely will not have cross platform, Dedicated servers are possible for them but mods are very unlikely since they won't be hooked up to windows 10 store.

  • Jai Balaghan

    Wait… Whats the difference between Windows 10 version and the normal PC Version? They are both on PC? I have Windows 8,with normal Minecraft PC version, I probs won't update to Windows 10, but should I get the Windows 10 Minecraft? Or should I just stick with the normal one?

  • Jugtej Singh

    Do i have to upgrade my minec raft if i upgrade my computer cause i have mods on mine and i simply dont want to

  • The #1 Cow

    Windows 7 was Windows version 6.1, 8 was 6.2, 8.1 was 8.3, and 10 was 6.4, add the two numbers on each, 6 + 1 = 7, 6 + 2 = 8, 6 + 3 = 8 +1, 6 + 4 = 10. BOOOM