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  • tommyh536

    Mitch and Cam do represent gay couples quite well. Unfortunately, this is not a good thing for the gays as it does not give them a very appealing image. This is not intended to be hateful in any way, it's just what I have witnessed from personal experience.

    Ummm Lilly is growing up in "a loving home"? Lol are you sure about that? Last time I checked, Mitch and Cam cut each other down and passive-aggressively insult each other ALL THE TIME. Also, this is not my idea of a a child growing up in a loving family. It sounds like misery, and I would know because I grew up in a family that would fight ALL THE TIME. There was not one day that was enjoyable from end to end. Everyday, there was some big dilemma over NOTHING really serious.

    No episode proves this better than when Lilly was being forced into clown college by Cam. Mitch laughed EVERY TIME Lilly did something to hurt Cam. It didn't matter how bad it was…if Mitch saw it, he burst into uncontrollable laughter. Then in the end after a long time Mitch FINALLY does something to stop it.

    A LOVING spouse, because gender doesn't matter, would have put that to an end RIGHT AWAY, or would they not?

  • Ben EyBoo

    I personally have a gay friend who came out after seeing this show. He realized his parents loved this show, and new if they could be comfortable with these characters, they'd be willing to accept their own son. For the first time, the family actually has a loving healthy relationship. My friend has been with his boyfriend for 3 years now and it's because of the accepting message of this show that the entire family is bonded.

  • steven joel

    other than seeing Sophia stunning body i love cam and Mitchell there fights ,arguments ,silliness great actors as gay loving parents

  • Daniel Hartle

    That used to b the beauty of a gay couple. Two people with looks talent and disposable income! Now they are having kids and getting fat and lazy and complacent

  • Brain Rush

    Even if you go by the Bible, homosexuality didn't even make the top ten (the Commandments). So being a thief or being an atheist is worse than being a homosexual……and we don't try to stop thieves and atheists from being married.

    And the whole homosexuality thing was deemed wrong because, back then, it was hard to procreate, people died early, etc. So it was a waste to be a homosexual or even masturbate. But now, the world is overpopulated…so using the same logic, homosexuals should be saints!

  • Bob Meyer

    To Eric's point: just because someone talks with a southern accent doesn't mean they are Westboro types that oppose same sex marriage. I'm from the South and I lean to the left, but can't fully embrace the Democratic Party, because the liberals I'm surrounded by all day discriminate against me. I'm assumed to be a bigoted moron because I'm from Texas. It amazes me that my fellow UC-Berkeley students can't see the hypocrisy in that while they go on and on about gay marriage. Like dude, I agree with you, you don't need to get defensive and go on a rant just because I say I'm from Texas. And yea I know not all of you do that, but it happens and if you don't believe that you're as a big a moron as the white people that deny racism exists.

  • Daniel Hartle

    Ztormie…I soulless Ginger and a fat femme fatale would never be in my sex dreams. More like my nightmares! Now Jake Gyllenhall on the other hand…

  • TheSilentStorm

    The Ancient Romans and Greeks began to embrace faggotry as their civilizations began to crumble. It is obvious where America is heading.

  • Daniel Hartle

    Plus the whole conservative gay movement is frankly boring! I have no desire to b like straight people and adopt kids and get married. Besides even straight couples don't believe in marriage ie the 2 year divorce rate!