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  • Lust

    No one was attacking Nene. She can dish it but can't take it. And she was getting read to filth. That is why she is playing victim smh.

  • Sederick Noone

    Nene you look good girl but lay off that botox a bit. Your forehead looks like granite countertops and them cheeks, artificial.

  • california 123

    I'm surprised they're getting a show together after Nene choked Kim in front of the Target at Atlantic Station. Like a BAD bitch.

  • l don

    NeNe makes out every one else plays the victim she also plays victim her self,with he mother issues and being raised by her family member,NeNe going on as if it is something unique it happens al the time,when one family member looks after some one kids in family so it is not any thing new , she plays victim her Damn self and when she married her husband Greag for second time was not any thing to go ahhh o like its new they were married for x amount of years before,and when she first met him
    he was married to someone else so she needed to take her own adive and close her legs to married men .
    married him for fir

  • BL BL

    Nene is a joke…and not even a good one…she's a hater and very self centered…has the vocabulary of a second grader…as she always results to loud over talking as she can't put together a complete sentence…She is ok as long as folk are smiling in her face giving her praise…Not sure what anyone sees in her…

  • duffman102

    Why doesn't she call "her oldest sister" or "the lady" that raised her, her aunt? It seems like NeNe plays victim the most, and creates an issue with most people in her life. She's the common denominator in all of these issues.

  • Erica F

    Nene is always playing the victim, she started the show being friends with Kim and Sheree, she treated them horribly on camera, every relationship with her ends badly. I don't know why Kim would even want to be on any show with her after the way she treated her and the things she said about her publicly. I won't be watching.

  • chan lovex

    Yeh u breaking down because everyone finally sees you for what u really are. Smmh. She's soooo. Fake. Really milking every opps she gets wiv camera. Plss jus stop already. very boring

  • Rosa Hodge

    You better know this is roost and she is playing to the camera. The fake shiver of the hand gave it away. She only needed to faint to seal the deal. Nene has outgrown this show and the girls. Starting to like Nene again but she needs to move on.