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  • reilem

    He said the word in a third person context. If I say: "Slave traders used to call black people niggers". Does that mean I am using the N-word 'badly? It's just a fact, it doesn't mean I'm being racist. How is this making the news? Ffs america get your shit together.

  • AoiKaze2000

    The way we cure racism: We all stop ignoring race, we stop letting it affect how we view a person, as we are really all just Americans here.

    And for the love of God, we stop throwing around the term "racist" whenever we have someone who just disagrees with us, and we stop this notion of someone "keeping you down", when it really is just you preventing yourself from success.

  • Al Sah-him (Green Arrow *Edi*)

    People say the N – word at school and work and no one bats an eye but our President uses it to make a statement and everyone looses their minds

  • TheoKabala89

    And the problem is? He didn't say anything that isn't true. Now you wanna know how a president shouldn't say the n-word listen to the Nixon tapes.

  • EclecticFlavor.

    I will say I was ready to be a bit upset..but I see what he was saying here…as a black person, Ive had interactions in which the person didnt call me N__ but I surely felt like they wanted too… its just os covert now, Like he said it isnt just about not calling me one…its about a person still thinking of me as that word.

  • zombiegone25

    Here's my point, being an African American president, that is quite down to earth may I add, if he had simply said "Nigga" instead of that dastardly one ending with an "r," nobody would've had a problem with it, at least not on a civilian level.

  • Jumbo Gincredible

    "Shout out to the people outraged that the president said "nigger" once but don't care about the countless times he's been called it since 08"

    Marc Lamont Hill

  • Thomas Rocco

    Racism is the united states biggest industrysince our country doesn't make anything anymore. While the world passes us by from breeding doctors, engineers, and scientists, we are breeding sociologists. The rest of the world builds infrastructure, cures disease, and meaningful technology.They are theworld are leaders in education and banking. Someone from a third world countryis going to figure out how technology is going to improve our world. Americans are going to use that technology to argue about race, what words people can say, or how people should think and feel.

  • lovejangie1

    Thank you President Obama. I agree racism is still prevalent in society. It needs to be dealt with in a comprehensive way.

  • Dude from Everest Collegeā„¢

    WOW, ALL of YOU white people, who actually say "N!gger" a lot amongst your fellow whites are condemning the President when he's not only Black, but is trying to simply make a point?…WOW, JUST WOW!!!!