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  • Optamizm

    Not everyone can make a logo… Everyone can make a pile of shit and call it a logo, but that doesn't make it a logo…

  • AshesAriseTW

    Hoping we get the mass effect trilogy remastered announced at E3 along with more info and maybe a teaser demo of the next mass effect.

  • Tali' Zorah nar Rayya

    I would love an open world game, four people teams instead of three. Space battles/land based vehicle combat. Separate co op upto four players, a mix between ME3 horde mode and Dragon Age Inquisition dungeon crawling. Oh and i don't want to play as a boring Human lol.

  • jaf7979

    Wtf is this dude talking about? Wants it to be like a "brand new game"? No thanks, I already know and love the Mass Effect universe and don't wanna spend the whole game getting reacquainted for the sake of getting a few newbies to the franchise. This should be Mass Effect FOUR, not a different game that happens to share some gameplay mechanics with the previous 3

  • EverythingNerdifying

    "I think people would be less prone to skipping cutscenes and story stuff if the story wasn't so story-like."

    It's Mass Effect. The whole point is story and characters and the intricacy of the world. I would prefer a game that takes a little more intelligence to understand it, rather than what it seems like they want.

  • Nazreenn naz

    Mass effect 4 would be last humanity last hope,soon it will be doomsday end of world lies unknown powerful enemy invasion!

  • Alex Andersson

    I like both mass effect and dragon age, but what i don't want is that mass effect stays ME and don't end up like inquisition

  • Cole Jordan

    I want Bioware to implement KOTOR's alignment system where you have the freedom to be exemplary Jedi or openly embrace the Dark Side. Save the world or let it burn.

  • rkraiem100

    mass effect 4 better have amazing pc support… i just got a new graphics card just so that way i could play it when it comes out (i got it for multiple reasons but the main reason was for mass effect 4). i want lots of settings to tweak