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  • FeO Hierro

    In 2010 the EU had 4,500 migrants from Mid East and Africa. After the intervention in Libya in 2011 it went up to 42,000. And in 2014 up again to 170,000

  • BealtaineCottage

    An utter disgrace that French police should tear-gas peaceful protesters. Shameful conduct altogether!

  • sheri wilson

    well…that is the cheapest shot I've ever seem, by men on men. How could you go through with that order to spray them, and meanwhile a hundred or more CRIMINAL NEGROS rushed into the waiting trucks. Good job. Those wild hungry bucks can't WAIT to see your daughters!

  • Travis bickle

    It's amazing how they tear gas and force out protesting workers but when it comes to scummy disease ridden illegal immigrants they treat them with kid gloves and literally let them run riot.

  • Arjuna Proximo Litore

    Tear gassing French workers while maintaining a hands-off attitude towards those who invade Europe: a neoliberal wet dream! "Oy, I'm gonna cum!"

  • Yamkindred

    Can someone please explain why the French protesters were peppered sprayed whilst the Migrants were in so many words given red carpet treatment???

  • Dᴇʀ Aѕтrᴀpe

    "The Jews seek to racially undermine Europe." – Adolf Hitler

    Could that be what's happening? lol.. No shit.

  • kane flannery

    Should be gassing the migrants not the workers. The migrants do nothing and make Calais a shit hole o wonder no body wants to work there.

  • Gellande 2

    This is madness, instead of teargasing the problem, those who cause the problem, they teargas the poor workers.

  • tyjghjghhh

    what happen to EU democracy? FREEDOM TO PROTEST,
    look at that… you do quiet, peaceful, non violent protests, and singing,
    the hired thugs with low iq (but much higher iq than ameriKKKa), come in
    and starts spraying ppl with chemical sprays, and beat them with batons.

    nice illusion of FREEDOM to protest,
    same as nice illusion of american monopoly money,
    same as nice illusion of Euro money.
    once the brics starts making their OWN RESERVE currency,
    they will NOT do trade with the WEST, except for GOLD, and other precious metals, minerals and OIL, GAS, Lumber, and other commodities.

  • Deutsches Liedgut (#Revolution)

    Das sind die selben Cops, an fast genau der selben Stelle die zusehen wie Illegale einen LKW nach den anderen besetzen, Fahrer bedrohen und eine Straftat nach der anderen begehen, dort haben die keine Schilder und Pfefferspray ohne Vorwarnung eingesetzt, hier bei ihren Landsleuten, sofort drauf…. Da seht ihr wer hier die neuen Herrenmenschen sind…. Dreckschweine sind das ! Hoffentlich gibts eine Quittung die es in sich hat…. Zeit für eine Revolution !!!! Und zwar JETZT !!!!

  • Sherezade 786

    Democracy and freedom are dead in the Totalitarian West. Western governments caused the War of Terror which has flooded Europe with immigrants yet the leaders are not accountable. If people peacefully protest they are tear gassed. This is what I call The Wild, Wild West!