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  • Katie Rose

    I don't believe in the devil and such, so I can't say they were 'possessed', they must've just had some seriously bad mental diseases and they just… Weren't right. They were the opposite. Then again, good and bad are just illusions of the mind.

  • x High Deff x

    Hate when Charles Manson is listed among the most prolific serial killers of all time. You fuckers realise that Manson has never actually killed anyone?

  • Urban Exploration Finland with Janne Flinck

    Are every serial killers psychopaths, sociopaths or antisocial personality disorders?, i mean do they all lack feelings, are there any serial killers, who have emotions?.

  • DRock1042

    None of these killers could hold a candle to Hannibal Lecter. Lecter was a super genius and he did not actively seek out victims or consumed their flesh UNLESS they offended him somehow. He would also rarely eat something other than an organ or two. If it was a perfect world and there was no rudeness or offensiveness, Lecter would be as safe as your children.

  • Marc Abramsky

    I find that we are fascinated with the life stories of these sorts of people. In truth I am never completely surprised in what human beings can do, both in good and bad. To see our true nature war depicts a very different side of us where in history some horrific crimes against humanity were justified. Crimes that make some of these crimes pale in comparison. Religious war and confession is another very interesting area where the crime is done in the Lords name. Truly ironic. I prefer the good in people but I suspect that it would be wise to acknowledge the bad does exist in us all. We need only justify it in our minds. Fortunately most of us to not.

  • Gregory Burcz

    I don't know why but I'm addicted to these serial killer documentaries on youtube, have pretty much watched them all…

  • maconsumner

    He lost me right when the narrator started to speak when he said serial killers tend tobe whitemale, which is completely and patently false.A serial killer is described as one who kills 3 or more over a period of time in the same or similar fashion. This being the case, black men have white beat hands down and easy. Now granted the really good serial killers that kill way more than three and avoid capture for a long period of time tend to fit his description but to say serial killers tend to be white is false.