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  • dramatish

    You racist lost the war. I've never seen losers be proud if being losers like southerners

  • Jeanne90275

    The Confederate flag represented the South's desire to secede from the Union and place state's rights over Federal ones. Even Robert E. Lee, a West Point graduate, felt more allegiance to the state of Virginia than to the country as a whole, even though he never thought the Confederacy would prevail. Now, it has evidently become the symbol of white supremacy and leads people to commit mass murder. There are countless murders of blacks every month on Chicago's South Side, and I don't hear anyone blaming it on white supremacy or some old flag.

  • Lynette Evans

    If you can go on national television and give your respects and condolences for the families and victims of this atrocious crime why not show that same respect and lower that flag. I think if the supports of that confederate flag showed a little measure by following suit as the state capital did when they lowered the flags at half staff maybe people would have showed some compassion on their plight towards heritage/history aspect.

  • Carl Wilson

    To the man defending the use of the Confederate flag for the reason that it is educational for historical and cultural purposes my question would be to why not uphold the swastika? Or the racist flags held in south africa? You could just as easily justify doing that the same way he seemed to here in the interview. Point being is that you cannot rid the evil connotation a flag has due to its evil past. No matter how much it may be apart of your states,country or nations history it still carrys with it a symbol of racist philosophy and having that loom over black americans everyday who died fighting against the ideology that flag carried is more than just a shame, it's an embarrassment.

  • grumpychuck

    Take the flag down and stop being moronic. People who take the time to insist that it flies using tax dollars need to find out what really matters.

  • tweeks58

    There are more black people die in Chicago in a month than this. And a flag has nothing to do with it. Get down to the real problem. Mans hearts.

  • carolcheny

    It's only a damn flag, so just take it down, jeez. It reminds nothing but the Southern whites lost this shameful war.

  • VHSpal

    Plenty of things offend people. Perhaps blacks wearing malcolm x t shirts is offensive and racist, but no one is going to ban that. The flag represents the thousands who died in the war. It is not a symbol of hate at all. black people want anything banned that they don't like. I'm gonna order a flag tonight and fly it from my rooftop.

  • thucydides Neo

    The Confederate Flag is just a political tool of the Rep. to keep the poor white in the south ultra-nationalistic and poor. It's a wrong educational tool. It doesn't teach people to reflect on why the war was fought and gives a wrong idea about freedom. It hurts white folks far more than the black.

  • Noliarsclub

    This kid fits the same profile as every shooter in every case! A brain dead drug head with a link to police and psycho doctors. And here are thousands of people fighting over a stupid f##king flag! We deserve exactly what we get. Drink some more floride eat some GMO take a xanax give everything you own to bailout some billionaire and kill a couple million kids in the middle east. Hell isn't full yet!

  • Perry_Dice

    getting rid of the confederate flag does nothing.. there are numerous flags flying today that also flew over "slavery" but nobody is calling them down.. AND YOU STUPID BROW BEATERS WANT TO PREACH TO ME ABOUT EQUALITY?? pleeeaaase…

  • Eero Haapala

    13 Confederate states in the South initiated the Civil War to maintain the state's right to own human beings as slaves. The pro-freedom North slaughtered the pro-slavery South in the Civil War. #TakeItDown

  • David Clark

    Nothing signifies oppression and death like the starred and stripped rag of The US Fascist Regime. It should be replaced by a vampire banker bannerwith the blood of all humanity dripping fromit's fangs. Future generations will view the S&S with the same low regard as a Nazi Swastika.

  • Nia Huggins

    As a young Black student in the US people should be able to wave whatever flag they would like. However it should be banned on government property out of respect for history for the war and for the end of slavery. Plus I understand the confederate flag and slavery only coincide because slavery was a way of living for many rich whites whom lost much revenue after the slaves were free.

    Its unfair for Blacks to still be restrained to prejudice just like it is for whites to lose the right to wave the Confederate flag.

    Also for those who wave statistics around you should go on twitter and read #crimingwhilewhite and then ask yourself whether crime is is more prevalent in black communities or just more prosecuted in them.

    Let's use common sense and our ability to compromise to find resolution and continue this silly black vs white thing that keeps popping up… Tired of people calling everything a race problem and I'm tired of people saying "I'm colorblind."

    The best way to move on is to acknowledge the above as true, make the appropriate changes, a keep it pushing our country has allowed history to keep coming back in hen it should stay in the past.