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  • 1947relic

    First cowboys were in Spain.They brought this skill and trade here but the Mexican Vaquero is responsible for what we know of as the cowboy today.

  • Ronce Remulus

    Just how these evil Anglos stole Roman and Greek culture I think it's time for Mexico to reclaim its cowboy culture back from the evil Anglos !

  • Sonia Castro

    Just because they brought horse does not make Europeans cowboys Mexicans were the first and the original cowboys.

  • Pete Woronowski

    Thanks for the video, I'm working on a Canadian Cowboy video which I hope to release end of this year.
    Cheer's, Pete

  • Churro Tapatio

    Mexicans where the first original cowboys. The vaqueros where first cowboys their style and cutler was almost identical to those of Texas and California. The Spanish brought cattle and they mantained cattle all over the world a de there are many different styles of cowboys but the first and true cowboys where Mexicans. The Mexican people put there cutler into the cowboy the boots the Texas style somberos that where thought of in Mexico yes Mexico be

  • everneverending horsey

    ..the first cowboys in u.s. were hispanics & black peoples .. ..it's not all about john wayne & his company …proud murican idiots , you should go to mcdonalds for an burger instead.

  • Churro Tapatio

    Let me make it clear the first people to bring cattle and traditions to the Americas were Spanish people. The Mexicans were te first people to become cowboys. There were no Spanish cowboys just Spanish wranglers and that it but as for cowboys it was Mexicans there were the first cowboys

  • Ed Vargas

    The saddle with the horn, and lariat aka lasso, the chaps and almost everything associated with the image of a cowboy that we know today were created in Mexico. What the Spanish brought as far as cattle traditions are still being practiced in countries like Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela just to name a few, if you look closely they don't have horns on their saddles or use a rope to bring down cattle. True the Spanish brought the first horses and cattle and their cattle tradition but is far different and inferior to what was created in Mexico in the 1500s, it is uniquely Mexican then called New Spain and they invented the most efficient way to handle and drive massive herds of cattle the world has ever known.

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  • Padraig Coleman

    The first American cowboys were in the New York area. They would drive the cattle after being off-loaded from European ships at Peekskill, NY, which also had slaughter houses, and incidentally, where Mel Gibson was born.

  • Poul John Lewis

    I just found out that some Englishmen moved to the us and became cowboys, it means A LOT to me, as im English and im fascinated by cowboys…

  • Davilish483 KG

    Para saber el veradero origen del "cowboy"="vaquero" deben saber primero, la historia del charro… Los españoles trajeron los caballos a Nueva España(México) pero fueron los mexicanos quienes hicieron los ahora llamados Jaripeo y la Charreria. 100% Mexicano

  • Dean Counts

    Largest ranch in number of cattle is in Florida but not even close in acreage, the largest ranch in acreage now is JR Simplot's (the "potato king") cattle ranch in Oregon