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  • Craig

    What kind of selfish arsehole would take their family to a Muslim country for a holiday? It isn't as cheap as you thought, eh?

    As Bill Maher said, our culture is better than their culture, and we should not be afraid to say so.

    I just hope no children were killed.

  • vikiandmarcin

    Do you want to watch terror, assassinations, apartheid, beating of children walking to school, torture ??? This is everyday life in Palestine for over 70 years! Every fuckin day!

  • The Activist

    Why do they target foreigners .?? Looks like payback for America's drone attacks on Muslims. In this case when America kills innocent people it's okay. When the Muslims do it they are terrorists.

  • Santino Valente

    So what are these people terroists, extremist ,millitants,isis why did they attack some one who is not going too be a twat please tell me ?


    its not a matter of muslims are worse than christians.You have to individualise things to ISIS and secondly the individual.Lets stick to the point.Its a WORLD problem and it aint gonna go away.I think many more people will be killed,people living and breathing will probably end up being killed by these people.God bless them in advance. So this is not the evil from muslims,this is a "human mind"these things are formed in the mind so we must sort this mind out,at the moment we sort it out by governments etc,so the mind polices itself.It dosent work. We must follow the most spiritual people in the world.We need a new WORLD ORDER or we will destroy ourselves.

  • Binal Trogaci

    BRAVO !! this is just what Frau Merkel and the rest of her gang of european goons want ; this sort of idiotic leaders are just asking for this kind of disastersbecause they never want to take charge and act ;
    these european leaders are loving all the shit that is running out of africa into europe .
    Frau Merkel just invites and hugs them all .
    Hitler ruined europe by becoming an asshole .
    Frau Merkel is ruining europe by being an idiotic " i Love everybody "hippy- bitch.
    and the rest of the politicians have absolutely no balls
    to tell her the truth .
    ever seen Herr Schulz in european parlement ……
    a no-good smalltime history teacher who thinks he has to run europe into the ground with his left-wing hobbies .
    Hitler failed as a painter / artist ….
    Schulz failed as a history teacher …..
    what else is Germany going to throw at us ???????????????

  • vikiandmarcin

    Islamist killing Islamist ??? Smells like CIA and MoSSad as usual ;) "way of deception thou shalt do war"." OK, who will benefit from this? Don't rush…think. "We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran" but Tunesia? Egipt? Ukraine? Mhhh Look at the map add Saudi Arabia and Turkey, Izrahell then add "Iran", Afganistan, Pakistan…smells like oil for China? Smells like war for PetroDollar? Banksters ( Rockeffelers, Rotchilds….Bush? Clintons? – They are not only for CIA drugs, folks) This is only Business nothing personal ;)