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  • Ferrkon

    They wrote"taking place far away from and long after the events of the original trilogy. You will play a human, male or female, though that’s actually not the character you saw in the trailer " on the blog.

  • Jared Biggers (ScorchedEarth97)

    I can't believe I forgot about this trailer. Everytime I think back to the EA conference, I just cringe at the amount sports related stuff I couldn't care less for.

  • Jonathan Parker

    As much as I wanted a game focused on exploration in the Mass Effect universe, I don't think this will be a good continuation of the previous games. It seems like more of a spin-off than anything. Shepard's story wasn't over, not for those of us who tore that ending apart to find deeper meaning in the events that may or may not have actually transpired.

    In my ending, Shepard was gasping back to consciousness in a crater on Earth, certainly very much alive and very much not blown up in space. Unless Bioware wants to write that version off completely and continue telling us to take ME3's ending at face value, then I'll very disappointed. If they plan to continue that unbelievably amazing story from where it left off someday, I'll be the happiest gamer alive.

    Either way, I plan to give this game a chance until I find out which way they're going with Mass Effect. It does look good, even if the armor and Mako look terrible. It's good to see that M-6 Carnifex, at least. Some other gun would have done it wrong.

  • Liam Powell

    Ode To Bioware – By Liam Powell

    Oh how blissful your ignorance must be…
    While you deny our fangirl squee.

    Our hearts with will be joyous, if only we can…
    Play as something OTHER THAN A HUMAN!

  • Angela Murray

    Question to ask at E3… is Bioware going to announce anything about the new IP they're working on? We know David Gaider went over to it, so I'm anxious to find out what they're working on. :) Might be too soon for anything, but a girl can hope.

  • Marvelle Averey

    Noah's Ark seems pretty convincing. During the reaper war several species unite and send a colony (of foetus) to the nearest galaxy, so if they don't survive, their species will still live on. The N7 commander of the ship takes a cryo-nap. You were one of the foetus. You go rogue for some reason.

    Just realized it's basically the plot of interstellar lol

  • Breanna Brooker

    Hi Ash, thanks for your breakdown of the trailer! My question for E3 is: How in depth will the character creation be for our main character?

  • JariahxSynn

    Ashe did you have a chance to talk to Bioware devs? If/when you see them ask if ME: A will be closer to the originals rpg roots. Please and thank you.
    As for what I want out of this title: Changeable companion armor, crafting weapons and armor, a leveling system similar to the first game but with improvements, No auto-dialogue, more character creation options i.e. hair styles and such, most importantly Loot!!!!!
    I has simple taste. :P

  • Lunoh

    i think they mentioned in the survey a krogan colonization ship, so my bet would be citadel and allied races build ark ships filled them with ppl in stasis pods and send them to andromeda in order to have the races survive. makes a streamlined story which is very open ended this i would like so it wont be just simply over after 3 games.