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  • Justin Graziano

    The CONservatives are probably crying so much, they may drown in their own tears (and what a wonderful thing that would be!)

  • Xicious

    Will Americans wake up? Here in Australia we are incredibly jealous of this event. We want gay marriage to be legal and we want to have the government you guys have. This isn't an event to be embarrassed about. You must be proud that your country is granting freedom and love to those who previously couldn't have it.

  • Rein Sarin

    It's about time the US joined the rest of the developed world. I don't know what so many people have against gay marriage, and I know that bigotry won't disappear overnight, but it will be satisfying watching a new generation growing up in a country that protects their rights no matter their sexual orientation.

  • Asaph Rock

    wow… Jesus Christ of Nazareth protect your people from the wickedness taking place in front of our eyes: They do it so cunningly, always with a smile.

  • joskemom

    Hey, let us now remove that little phrase from the pledge of allegiance 'one nation under God' since we are no longer that.

  • Pyrrhus Epirus

    ―All these butthurt Republican 'concerned' Christians not getting their way and now whining at other's hard-won victory. I love reading these comments and am getting out the popcorn for more! LOL

  • Jules Folk

    This is a disgrace and it's not his house, it's America's house! Just wait Jesus is coming back anytime now! Shout! Repent and ask Jesus into your heart. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

  • James Anton Hake


    Extremely offensive and evil. Homosexuals everywhere who fall for this crap will be cursing the White House in hell after they realize that gay really wasn't okay.

  • joskemom

    So, what's next? Legalize polygamy? Group marriage should not be far behind. Why can't 2 woman be married to 3 guys? Are pastors going to be forced to marry gay people? Are Christian bakers going to be asked by a whole lot of gay people to bake their cakes? Are Moslem bakers going to be asked by gay people to bake their cakes?

  • Jason Short

    So…I'm happy that the SCOTUS ruled in favor of repealing state bans on gay marriage. However, doesn't it occur to anybody as odd that such a light projection on the white house were installed in such a short time?…