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  • Sir Gregory Tufton Balls

    "I don't like cleverness that much" – Norm MacDonald

    Just a brilliant observation by a brilliant, brilliant man.

  • Ben Culture

    If you love your cats, you don't leave a bowl of cat food outdoors. Any sick cat with the coronavirus can come along, eat out of it, and thereby transfer the virus to your cats, whereupon it can become Feline Infectious Peritonitis, and kill your cat. You can't inoculate them against everything. Personally, I don't let my cats out at all, because they tolerate that. Other cats won't tolerate it, I understand, but letting them out is basically gambling their lives. I learned this the hard way.

  • mirico22

    Oh, by the way, Norm, meditate.
    Here's how: Sit on an imaginary river bank and allow your thoughts to pass by in your awareness without stopping then, judging them or contemplating the things to do that come by. Be the witness, just be (there) watching and aware.
    To get a good feeling for this experience -Google the poem by James Dillet Freeman:I AM THERE. He will recite it for you. Learn the history of the poem and how it was created while you are at the site.
    Love/Light to all readers

  • MrGreycharles

    What I always found interesting is that MacDonald is clearly brilliant, yet comics like Garofalo claim to be the intellectuals, while so many view Norm's work as somehow "lowbrow". Macdonald is ten times as smart as Garofalo.

  • Fennec Besixdouze

    That New Yorker feature on SNL he was talking about (where Farley had the television on his head for the photoshoot) actually described Norm MacDonald on Weekend Update as the one "bright spot" on the entire show.

  • Joseph Alimentato

    marc maron, you are touched by something divine! That episode when you had that thing on your lip, should be in the freakin bible. If that is a true story, then you should expand on that. That is like, freakin emmy material. I watched all your 2 seasons on Netflix non-stop. In like 2 days! Yeah I am drinking some Belgian beer, but so what, my girlfriend is on facebook and I love you and norm macdonald. Man,I hope you have more weird situations like that episode. You are a marked man by the divine, and you know that. Best wishes

  • Shane Ogden

    Why is everyone so critical of Maron? Seems like a great guy to me. Additionally, so what he has cats. I'm not a cat guy but someone who cares about an animal seems like good people to me. So instead of posting your shitty comments why don't you try to understand Mark is a human being, if you don't have anything positive or helpful to say then move on, find something you do like, I dig it Mark, you're funny as hell. Shine on!

  • mirico22

    Well Norm the answer to your spiritual quest can be successfully balanced as you go deeper, as your intuition is guiding you to do. However, the secret is to be in the observer position and allow your horizon to be unending. Further, the use of words to embrace the emotion and meaning you seek will attune you to the reality of your oneness with God.
    Example:Shifting gears to a metaphysical approach to Christianity, such as the one Silent Unity teaches.
    Start using empowering words:Allow is a good word to work with as it allows you to give yourself permission to open your horizon to new communication that is easily found and answers questions you have yet to ask-and get answered.
    Google the RA MATERIAL and read it for free online. This will open the door to our evolutionary purpose. Hint. You are on target with your insight that service to others is the center of the path.
    Silent Unity teaches there is only One presence and one power in the universe;God the good.
    There is nothing to join. There is only seeing others as yourself, a spiritual being.
    Man has a body but man is not his body, he is a spiritual being.
    I share the known as the drop of water is the ocean and self awareness makes you aware of your oneness with the source of your being.
    So,if you are confounded and confused using the empowering words 'God cannot be confused and I am one with God, therefore, I am not confused 'will unlock the confusion and open your horizon to new answers to you spiritual evolution.
    Now you are open and receptive – actively doing the first Beattitude – being poor in Spirit.
    Learn more by listening for free – The Beattitudes by Charles Roth. (Google please).
    You are no longer 'out on a limb', Norm. Your are solidly with the rest of us -as the tarot fisrt card is the Fool.just another bozo on the bus being the Love that we are whether you know it or not.
    Love/Light to you and all readers here.

  • GrandAbbot

    Marc was OUTSTANDING interviewing Norm — you can tell Marc has a lot of heart and humanity and really connects with his guests.

    Norm consistently blows me away. His thinking and philosophy will be honored as much as his comedy. He is one of the greats.

  • OZ Rod

    Liberals are corporate whores. Liberals give handouts to movie industry and sports teams, tax-breaks internet companies and NFL, yet raise taxes small business and increase taxes what blue collar folks use. So Maron shut your ass leftist ass! Leave my hometown!