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  • Ron Jon

    MS flew the B52 Stealth Bomber over Sony headquarters and just dropped the BOMB!!!!!! Sony is in utter devastation right now and the Ponies are melting and running to the caves and barley any will survive. So many Ponies will be at Gamestop and Best Buy this week secretly buying X1's MS just WON this generation Sony is DONE!!!!!!

  • Spidey-Kun

    You can hate microsoft all you want, but it doesn't take a genius to admit that they came in SWINGING. A ton of new IP's, backwards compatibility, MODS on fallout 4 and fallout 3 included with fallout 4 on xbox, HOLOLENS, Oculus support, Bad ASS controller, Rare Replay, Xbox preview, and indie support. Sure I know a lot of Sony trolls will say " Microsoft looks so sad trying to get people to buy their lunchbox". Are you really making fun of them for doing awesome things? Like WTF?

  • Marc2k6

    Really! We are back on this backwards compatibility ish again! People are not out in the streets doing back flips about playing old games on their new console.

  • i_Am_Dementia

    Xbox faggots rejoicing beciase gears collection is supporting multiplayer when uncharted is not. Uncharted doesn't need multiplayer because the STORY was the only real reason we played and love uncharted. Let's see if gears collection MP can actually work, seeing how sadly the ultimate fan favorite halo collection failed in MP.

  • BonjayTV

    Am I the only one not hype for Gears of War 4? I feel like Gears hasn't been that great since 2, 3 was ok but Judgment was just awful.


    I don't know why people are saying xbox has won not saying they had bad stuff I really liked the conference and I don't know what can top it at the time if me writing this the Sony conference hasn't started and the Nintendo one either but Sony and nintendo better prepare.

  • E.S.T.1999

    All i got to say it sony y'all better not fuck up and this is coming from a PlayStation fan Microsoft y'all did good this year