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  • Eroa

    Hello Nero, because of you I tried the WaW campaign on Veteran. I've been playing CoD since CoD WaW, and I'm a relatively good player, but the campaign was really hard I've now completed it, but it took almost 10 hours. I don't find the guns fights to be that hard, but the one thing that really got on my nerves is the grenades. The AI always seems to perfectly throw a grenade right there were i am.
    I know that you also have been playing CoD for a very long time, and I was just wondering if you also found the WaW campaign on Veteran hard and frustrating.
    Keep it up. You're the best YouTuber, period!

  • Crawler

    I can still play online though. #PCMasterRace. But in all seriousness, I'm really sorry for all of you on console. I hate that people are doing this, hacking and DDoSing is stupid and horrible. It's pretty sad that some people have so little to do that they decide to DDoS PSN and XBL on Christmas. Really think about what they're doing: they're preventing people from plahing video games. Kind of horrible since the gaming community does nothing bad and the fact is that all we want to do is play games. Hopefully, this will get fixed soon and this stupid hacking group will be taken down.

  • WasdaGamingHD

    plot twist: lizard squad is actually sledgehammer games and they just want to people to play the advanced warfare campaign…

  • SuperGangstaCj

    I dont like the fact that PSN and … Idrgaf about XBL lol … Are being DDoSed on Christmas but come on people. Why are you so anxious to play a videi game? You should spend time with your family instead of worrying about when you can play Cod again Jesus Christ. Something to think about: LizardSquad are a bunch of nerds but if youre in desperate need to play a video game this badly then so are you.

  • Nolan Pattison

    Nero, do you use a scuf? I got one for Christmas and love it! I know many people say it's cheating, but it takes a lot of skill to get used to also. I'd love to play with you someday! Great Video and have a great day!

  • rojoshow13

    DDOSing may not technically be "hacking" but its a cyber crime. These people are criminals. They're basically stealing from all of us who have paid for our internet and PS+ and XBL and they're stealing from the companies too. It would be like poking a hole in everyone's gas tanks at the mall. I don't understand why Sony and Microsoft can't track these attacks back to the origins and find the people who are doing it. Send them to jail and prison with "traditional" criminals. See how cool they feel then.