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  • ims0deranged

    Pretty much the only reason I picked up the X1 over the PS4 is the games. However, I'm leaning towards getting a PS4, just so I can have the superior graphics for Star Wars Battlefront. After that, I'm hoping, PS4 will have more games to my liking.

  • Newton Plays

    I'm so stuck! I'm getting one for my birthday and here's my problems. I love Playstation I've been with it since the beginning. Also, from what I've seen on Youtube everybody likes it. Also I'm a huge guy about graphics and I really want MLB the Show 15. But, on the Xbox One side all my friends have one and it would be fun to play with them.

  • Derek Nowak

    As he stated, and i've been saying it all along. Tons of Xbox fans are still playing the 360 waiting for Halo and some other titles. The thing is 360 is still a great console, and we don't feel the need to upgrade yet. Whereas the PS3 was lacking a lot of features that were introduced with the PS4 so those people upgraded right away.When it's all said and done I feel Xbox will have nearly the same sales as PS3 in america at least

  • Conor Obrien

    Xbox: yeah were brunging out the divison,gears of war trilogy,witcher wild hunt all the funs stuff that am sure your all enjoy:)

    Ps4: we just launched bloodborn which is this awesome rpg and with metal gear solid being released soon we know were gonna be happy :)

    Wii U: mario mario mario mario mario mario mario mario mario mario mario mario and our newiest creation….:D…… :3….. Mario >:D
    (Why do we have the lowest sales I can't put my finger on it)

    MY GAWD BRING OUT A FUCKING GAME OTHER THAN SHITTING MARIO BROS OR SMASH BROS OR MARIO RACE CART OR FUCKING PRINCESS BUTTCHEEKS MARIO ADVENTURE. expand you're fucking grasp on the gaming community for the love of gawd you're dying out there nintendo :(

  • Kevin The Batman Of Barça Fans™

    Great video man, I personally own a PS4 and have been loving it ever since I first started to play, I made the switch from Xbox 360 to PS4, I have really enjoyed gaming on my PS4 and can't wait for the exclusives that are to come, that being said I'm also a casual gamer and I play Call of Duty, on Xbox 360 I had a whole lot of friends on there who I'd play Call of Duty with as well as Halo at almost a daily basis, and only have a few friends on PS4 but we all have different schedules so playing with them is at a minimum…I've also noticed that not many people use mics on PS4 I feel thats because of the cheap ear piece of the PS4 and because people who play COD will typically buy a Xbox One amd with the announcement of Black Ops 3 I feel pumped for this next COD because the last two have not been great at all, so I'm going to buy a Xbox One around September/October hopefully the price will drop a bit more I'm planning on buying it because I still have alot of friends on there the ones I would normally play most of the time I'll also only buy it for Halo and Call of Duty preference on the Xbox One…


    I can't believe people still talk about the graphical differences. I own Xbox One and PS4, and neither experience is better or worse graphically. You have to have them side by side, and look very closely, if you want to see the benefits of the extra horizontal pixels. Also bear in mind that there are a good handful of games which are graphicallyidentical on both systems, so please don't let minute differences dictate your decision. If you want a performance reason to pick up the PS4, it's the generally higher framerates, which a player can notice.
    When playing them (games), there's only 2 differences really. 1. Controller, and 2. Games themselves. I find myself playing singleplayer on PS4 and online multiplayer on Xbox One. That way i play to the strengths of both consoles.

  • MAG “MAGWolf” Drago

    PC if you want it all. PS4 if you wanna chill and relax. Xbone if you want to be a hipster, Wii U if you want nothing new and exciting.


    Great review but also really bad review. I got this sort of half baked rushed out the door sort of feel from this review. You fail to touch on really important subjects like online,controller,hardware,and accessories just to name a few. At points you seem very bias and ignorant when you say the ps4s graphics are better which is fine but you fail to mention that you can't tell the difference between the 3 consoles graphics. You fail to mention so many things like how the Xbox one has more as games and is the better console for big as games. You base a decision on which console to get partly based off of indies which mostly people don't give a shit about. You don't mention nearly enough about social capabilities and features of the consoles. I could go on but this really is a very bad and bias review.

  • Wellington Lopes

    The thing is that 99% of gamers already have a PC, so the large number of indies on ps4 is not that attractive. I'm truly excited by the exclusives on the Wii U and Xbox One that, until now, are the best ones.