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  • Kryptic Keyz

    To all of you who think you know Pete Rose,YOU DON'T . He might be one of the best players that ever played the game.He played baseball the way it should be played.You might say Pete Rose shouldn't of hit him, he shouldn't have been in the way.What you guys don't understand is that Pete was ABSOLUTELY obsessed with winning. If you ask him why he gambled,he said he did it because he needed another competitive outlet, something that made the game more interesting. Pete Rose is a world class athlete and baseball player.And no matter how you feel about the guy you cant say thats not true. I mean he has nearly 100 hits more than the closest person to his hit total.

  • Daniel Perry

    I think its is kinda cheap to be dressed like an armored tank and be able to just stand in the way to block the plate. Being able to plow into the catcher is the only way to level the playing field in these situations.

  • Vince Kowalski

    This same thing happened to me in my game. I hit the catcher because he was block the plate. This is the way ball should be played

  • Edward Jones

    Rose hit Fosse because Fosse was blocking the plate. If your gonna tell runners they can't hit the catcher in an all star game you have to tell catchers that they're not allowed to block the plate. Its something every one of us would have done if we were in Rose's place and the circumstances were the same. And the whole Fosse was never the same after the collision argument is utter hogwash to anyone who bothers to do a little research. While it is true that Fosse was hurt, he never went on the disabled list and went on to play 42 games in the second half of the season. Of course playing hurt there was a dip in his power, but the next season he went to the All Star game again and won a Golden Glove. Fosse's career went into a tailspin in 1974 when, after being traded to the Oakland A's, he got into the middle of a clubhouse fight between Reggie Jackson and Billy North and ended up with a broken neck. He missed the rest of that season, struggled through the next three and was done with baseball by 1977. THAT was the injury that he never recovered from.

  • Ethan K

    Its not the fact that he hit Ray Fosse that people are angry about. As a longtime A's fan I can say that we are angry that Rose lowered his head as can be clearly seen in the shot and shows no remorse about the long-term damage to Fosse's career.

  • MetsGiantsRangersKnicksNYSports

    I'm happy MLB didn't completely outlaw collisions. Then it would just be no effort on plays that would normally be close.

  • Della Villa

    Love Charlie Hustle.
    Easy answer. Catcher blocking the plate. "Excuse me sir can you please move to the right so I can touch the base? No?" Bloooosh!

  • Jaime Jerez

    Yet gambling is illegal in baseball since baseball started . Yeah I'll give him credit for all time hits leader. But he still broke a rule , just like Alex and bonds he won't get in.

  • Patrick Gray

    Fosse took it like a man why can't anyone else baseball is stupid for outlawing this rule Norm Charlton crushed Mike Scioscia as well its part of the game

  • Raymond Polichano

    Pete Rose was was very disrespectful all his former teammates always talked about his bad attitude bad way about himself Rose deserved what he got

  • Albert Figone

    A hall of fame player! But, his head first sliding was a disaster for baseball! One does not dive into a base or home! I saw Billy Martin almost eat a baseball for attempting to "low bridge" the great catcher Jim Hegan in Denver!