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  • Nisha Reading

    I love this scene the way she's looking at Ross while she sings is beautiful. You can feel Demelza's love for Ross. Thanks so much for all your uploads!

  • kitty24079

    This scene was so beautiful, one of my all time favorite TV show scenes EVER! You could literally see Ross realize that he's in love with Demelza. Beautiful.

  • Desjameber Horton

    GOD BLESS YOU❤️❤️ I've been waiting for someone to put it up so I can listen to it repeatedly❤️❤️

  • DragonHeart613

    I'm not afraid to admit that the tears began running down my face with every lyric that came out of Demelza's enchanting voice!!! What a truly beautiful scene & a special moment between Demelza & Ross!!! I hate that I won't be able to see the complete episodes of this amazing-looking show for a while until BBC America can finally begin to air Poldark either next month or in June I believe but all these great clips of the show that you've been kind enough to upload +TheFangirlPlace will definitely make waiting to watch Poldark that much more easy to bear & that much more eagerly-awaited!!! Thanks a bunch :)

    PS, did you upload Ross & Demelza's wedding scene by any chance?

  • wonderwoman154

    I’d’ pluck a fair rose for my love;
    I’d’ pluck a red rose blowing.
    Love’s in my heart a-trying so to prove
    What your heart’s knowing.
    I’d’ pluck a finger on a thorn,
    I’d’ pluck a finger bleeding.
    Red is my heart a-wounded and forlorn
    And your heart needing.
    I’d’ hold a finger to my tongue,
    I’d’ hold a finger waiting.
    My heart is sore until it joins in song
    Wi’ your heart mating. ♥

  • Фатима Хажмуратовна

    …Временами он бы хотел, чтобы было две Демельзы. Дневная – та, с которой он работал и которую знал уже больше года, неизменно общаясь с удовольствием. Именно она привлекла его и завоевала доверие – наполовину служанка, наполовину сестра, дружелюбная и послушная сейчас, как и весь последний год и год до этого. Демельза, изучающая чтение, Демельза, собирающая хворост, Демельза, сопровождающая его в магазин или занимающаяся в саду, – и никогда не спорящая о том, что ей поручали.
    Вторая Демельза была незнакомкой. Хоть он и был мужем и господином для обеих, эта Демельза, чье лицо и юное тело он видел в свете свечей, была готова на все, чтобы доставить ему как можно больше удовольствие. Первое время он относился к этой Демельзе даже с неуважением. Но их отношения развивались, и неуважение пропало, а незнакомка осталась.
    Две грани одной личности – незнакомка и друг. Странно и тревожно было в течение дня, занимаясь повседневными и обыденными делами, вдруг заметить напоминание о молодой женщине, что называла себя принадлежащей ему, которую он брал и сам отдавался ей с неизведанной доселе одержимостью. Еще более странно было увидеть в затуманенных темных глазах незнакомки отражение той дружелюбной и взбалмошной девчонки, что помогала ему с лошадьми или готовила ужин. Такие моменты выбивали его из состояния равновесия, как будто он понимал, что пренебрежительно относится к тому, что не заслуживает такого отношения.
    Временами он бы хотел, чтобы было две Демельзы. Он думал, что был бы счастливее, если бы смог разделить их полностью. Но недели шли за неделями, и граница стиралась все больше и больше. Разные образы все чаще сходились воедино, пока наконец не перестали различаться вовсе.


  • sionsidhe9

    I love this scene on so many different levels! It's not just Demelza opening her heart in a way and kind of confessing how much she really does love Ross but Ross coming to see that he is also deeply in love with her, everyone in the room is touched in some way, Verity feeling the loss of the love that was taken from her, Elizabeth sees the depth of what lies between Demelza and Ross and realizes she will never have that in her own marriage, she may care for Francis but she doesn't love him, and Francis finally fully understands that as well as he watches the expressions of love on the faces of Ross and Demelza. Thank you for these scenes! I live in the states so this is the only way I can see Poldark!

  • Hope Terrance

    Ruth is so salty. ughhhh My baby Demelza inged so beautifully and ross look like he got touched by an angel. These two!!! such a beautiful song. You can pinpoint the exact moment Ross realizes that he's fallen

  • Beatmyguest001

    I think the scene with Demelza singing was when Ross realized he was in love with her. Before, he was very fond of her, found her attractive and admired her strength, work ethic and the way she viewed the world but I don't think he had realised that he loved her and then this whole episode was building up to that scene for them; with their little kisses, fond gazes and small confessions. "And love be buried?" "What do you know of love?" "A little" and "you are far from displeasing to me". Like Ross admits at the end he initially married her because he was lonely and he fancied her and hoped she'd at least make him feel less lonely and that they'd get along. But I think in the singing scene he really sees her not as a scared child or a sexy new wife or an ex kitchen maid but for a beautiful young woman making herself vulnerable for a moment to sing to him a love song. He sees her as a woman capable of feeling deep love and all the accompanying emotions that come with that and he understands she truly loves him. So when he can't stop gazing at her throughout the song and after when she's talking with Elizabeth and when she's sleeping it just felt sooooo satisfying. Also let's not skip over the little "and I love you" at the end. Awwwwww. I'm so soppy lol but that singing scene was the true admission of love in this episode.

  • Lola Barller

    I never (but really, never ever) cried with a TV show scene, like I did with this one. Was so beautiful and touching. That voice of her, the song, and the way Ross is looking at her. That very last second when the song was ended, his face is adorable… THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR THIS UPLOAD, LOVE!!

  • LostMa feels

    You dont understand how much I squeel at this scene cus hes like slowly falling in live with her and its eugh full of feels

  • Kristine Silmaro

    This new series can't compare with the original…… but I have to admit that this is a very beautiful scene. It's the most powerful scene in the whole series, showing the love between Ross and Demelza, and telling the stories of all the other characters at the same time……
    Beautiful song, beautiful voice!