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  • AngelSoldier

    Should let the fans vote. NOT the writers or anyone associated with MLB. The only thing MLB should do is set up a presser and create a whole campaign that allows the fan to voice their opinion and place an official vote. The only reason to ban him for anything would be that haircut he had when he was playing. Reinstate him and make him do community events to promote the game. Create something positive. No one (no-one) will come close to his hits record (Altuve, is a long shot, but maybe). If the fans vote YES, bring him back. If they vote NO, business as usual. No harm, no foul.

  • Richard Johnson

    Pete was the only reason I would watch T.W.I.B to see that headfirst slide into third base at the end of the show.Pete does not need the hall of fame.He is on the top of the hits list and a few other lists too.

  • MickeyT54

    We need to have Rose again associated with baseball anywhere and everywhere. I think his punishment was too much for what he did. Time to lift his ban and for us to celebrate a guy who played baseball every game like it was his last game. He was a true metaphor for America……. not perfect, but passionate and fierce.

  • Phil Wood

    I think the controversy has more to do with Pete Rose than the actual enforcement of the rule against players betting on baseball. If it's about the rule, and Rose having no chance, then shouldn't current Braves pitcher Shelby Miller and Bosox hurler Joe Kelly also be banned? Both are good friends in the league, and virtual unknowns compared to the great Pete Rose, and like Pete Rose they bet on baseball, and bet to win a game in which they had a direct hand (See BOS@STL, 6 August 2014). If we make excuses for them, how can we with straight faces, and "the rules being changed in the middle of the game" type cynicism and hypocrisy keep Rose out of baseball?

    (It's not relevant to my argument, but I was against reinstatement since I was a kid. Nevertheless, it's an important question to answer for a guy currently on the fence.)

  • Jude Law

    Selig was the one who should have been banned. Not only for his actions in 1999 claiming Rose wasn't allowed, then saying later he could be- granted he took a lot of flack mid-summer due to not allowing him, but what he did in 2002's All Star tie now making it "count", and every team has to be represented, even if another team is stocked with great players cough Yankee's, Red Sox, etc. I don't like what he did to the sport, other than implementing mandatory testing, but I wouldn't have 3 strikes you're out, I'd force a salary cap ($300 million is FAR too high, and too tempting to make players want to take PED just for the insane payday), and have ONE time your only limit. Find them out a second time- LIFETIME BAN!!!

  • Dave Padgett

    Big time Reds fan. The thing that "irks" me about Rose and the Hall of Fame.
    IF he goes in, he's going in on his accomplishments as a "PLAYER" not as a
    "MANAGER"! The 2 are different/separate! Let's face it. He wasn't that good
    of a manager. Hovered right around .500 No one can deny what he achieved
    as a player though! He got his 4,192nd hit in 1985. 30 years ago! AND did
    it, among many other things, all WITHOUT Steroids or any other performance
    enhancing drugs! Pure grit and determination!! I don't see that record being
    broken anytime soon. Probably not in my lifetime!

  • John Greene

    I disagree. Rose knowingly bet on games despite it being banned in baseball. It's posted on every locker room door in baseball and is strictly enforced. I feel no compassion for Rose because he denied it for 15 years, then only admitted it to sell a book. Yes he is perhaps the greatest man to ever play the game. But he took all that and threw it away for a small amountof money.

  • JohnnyMidnyte

    So Barry Bonds, a cheater, should just get lost? But Pete Rose, a cheater, should be welcomed back with open arms? Huh. Too bad Barry isn't white. Amirite, Keith?

    Yes. Yes, I am.

  • SuperPat88

    KO ends with: "Let him back in." Need any more be said?

    Pete Rose, the Baseball Hall of Fame welcomes you with open arms, effective HERE, and NOW.