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  • BCLR 1703

    Boys and girls… This is what we refer to as a knee jerk reaction… Tell you what… I find Malcolm X to be rather offensive with all of his anti – White sentiments as well… Do you think we could remove all mentions of that sack of shit from city street signs per chance?… Or does this hypocritical bullshit only work one way?…

  • Amber Russel

    Lol stupid southerners, you lost, GET OVER IT! That flag represents hate, treason, and losers. PERIOD! If you claim it represents your heritage then your heritage is that of losers and traitors who never accomplished anything in life…lol props to governor Haley for not taking into account the feelings of those retarded hillbillies who claim it represents their southern pride.

  • russell lane

    As a member of the Sons of confederate veterans I would like to ask the governor of South Carolina " what flag was flying on the slave ships that brought the slaves here?" Answer…the United States flag. Why dont we ban that racist flag? Not one slave was brought here under a confederate flag.

  • Eleanor Gay.

    Take the confederate flag down and put it an museum for history of the civil war.
    No more apart of life. The flag represents enslavement and dishonor.
    There is no master and slave here. Take the flag down.

  • Adam Hargett

    Next thing you know they will tear down crosses because they stand for christian beliefs and its not the future of our country, imprison Christians that support those beliefs and shut down churches. That's what will happen because some christian will go and kill a bunch of kids at a school and then all of a sudden that means churches are bad. The kid was the problem people not the stupid flag! Soaked up in shooter games and bad parenting. That's whats to blame here. I don't care about the flag but this is clearly a misguided direction of blame.

  • JigglesJingle

    CNN is using the confederate flag issue as a distraction from the main news that is happening, the TPP act. It's so horrible and bad, that we cannot know what's in it for 5 years in full text. Why is that ??? THAT should be what CNN talks about instead of this garbage. Higher drug prices, corporations having more power than governments. THAT's scary.

  • Remya Tempest

    I'm from the south and I use to believe that the confederate flag represented a historical southern culture other than slavery, and it does. However the entire southern culture from a historical stand point was built on slavery which makes it impossible to celebrate historic southern culture without celebrating slavery. I understand that individuals who have the flag on there trucks or homes doesn't necessarily mean that they do so to honor slavery but unfortunately the meanings are one in the same and can not be seperated. I think it was a good move on the Governors part to do this.

  • Richard Joshua Enriquez

    That Flag resembles racism and hatred. Should put it in a museum and take it part of history like the Nazi Flag.. Nazi flag = Confederate flag

  • Drone Video Productions

    The Confederate flag was NOT about slavery.. It WAS about freedom from the imperial crown in England.. ya know the one that caused the saying… "The British Are Coming" … It is the REBEL FLAG… Rebel against the slavery in place through the English Crown. Ever wonder why you can not just make enough to live good? Is it is because you suck? Or maybe because of "taxation".. well they call if tax or fees, or registration or insurance or anything that steals from you and provides NO SERVICE. Are you really to blind to see what I am saying?


  • navtel

    politicians.. looking to buy votes.. keep the flag and fly it with pride.. this is total bullshit.. another example of politically correct crap at its finest.

  • TheJking85

    Over 3000 innocent people were killed on 9/11 because Osama bin Laden wanted blowback against the United States. Why wasn't the AMERICAN FLAG an issue then?
    9 innocent people are murdered in a Charleston, SC church and the Confederate flag is a fucking issue?! Really?! The idiots who want the Confederate flag taken down are just a bunch of Charleston Chews!!!