“Shut up or I’ll have you arrested….. low-life scum” – John McCain to anti-war activists

| John McCain, Trending | 20 Comments
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  • rockymontana1

    Fuck You McCain,you belong in jail before anybody else…..Your some piece of work,Go take more pics with your buddies in the Taliban…..Besides their is such a thing called freedom of speech,They have the right to say what they want to…and so do I

  • seektruthandwisdom

    "I've been a member of this planet for many years and I have never seen anything as outrageous, disgraceful and despicable as the murdering criminals in this wicked government"!!!!

    "YOU SHUT UP John McCain because we the people WILL have you, Kissinger and all your criminal buddies arrested for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!!

    This is OUR COUNTRY!!!! NOT YOURS!!!

    Your day is coming asshole!!!

  • Monty Burns

    All the people that clapped after John McCain said that are not real Americans. They don't understand that what really makes us Americans is the defense of liberty, privacy and freedom of speech and expression.

  • American Mysteries & Conspiracies

    McCain is human waste who uses low class stupid AmeriKans to do his filthy murderous dirty work. Sick twisted Toby Keith fans are the white trash who support the likes of John McCain.

  • Ricardo Vasconcelos

    "Arrest Henry Kissinger for War Crimes" shout some people.John #McCain , the father of #Al-Qaidaand #ISIS replies: "Shut up or I'll have you arrested!"

    And this is the tale of "how the #US has been hijacked by traitors who are destroying it from the inside."

  • Gyva02

    I tend to think low life scum are the folks that murder men, women and children for profits not those who speak out against them… So fuck you McCain…

  • scotty

    Republicans hate protesters especially anti-war ones. They're not particularly happy with the idea of freedom either, especially the idea of freedom of speech.

    Get used to that 'shut up or I'll have you arrested' business because the US is heading towards open police state.

  • bertha yellowfinch

    Henry Kissinger SHOULD BE arrested for war crimes. Absolutely. Furthermore, so should John McCain. It's his hands who are providing assistance to ISIS AND ISRAELI VIOLENCE.

  • K.M. Smith

    Americansfucking bitch and moan so much it's ridiculous. We have it so good here. It seems like protestors' goal is just to be super annoying.

  • c4p0ne

    >> "Get outta here you low-life scum"

    McCain should be hanged by the neck. He is the personification of human filth.

  • Ray Ballard

    freedom of speech! you see ! to many people in power ( high places) who are not American,who dont want to hold sted fast to what America was founded on , but sell us out and our kids so thay can line there pockets with our money ! and destroy America from within, thay are trying to destroy the constitution, and the Bill of Rights, to many decisions made in secret, thay are makeing this Not America!