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  • ElohimPenemue

    The most brilliant, insightful, perspective on race of any modern philosophical examination of the topic. He absolutely nailed the race issue, with perfection.
    Thank God, for The Almighty Patrice O'Neal R.I.P. Big Fella

  • Fredrick M

    the greatest comedic philosopher of all times. could have been…should have been an american icon. i love the man. i never knew him but he ranks high in the people who make my life better.

  • I don't wanna name my channel

    Fuck dude….I can honestly say Patrice is one of the only people who I've never met before who died and it made me genuinely depressed. It's really fucking hard to come by people like him in life . That motherfucker and his words were a massive gift to everyone who respects comedy and more so the human condition

  • Rashi Johnson-Edmond

    Because taking it in the ass will eventually break your heart… I will never hear truer words.

  • Mechicano Tube (edgar santana)

    man i really wish i could have met this guy. Hes such an influence to me and his philosophies have really affected me for the better. RIP

  • jerseyratbastard

    Great interview…Marc asked the right questions sympathetically while staying objective. Patrice was the great, insightful comedian and philosopher…the formula that made him one of the all-time greats even though he wasn't as famous as some other dudes. This interview is one for the archives!

  • Pragmatic1 Ultramagnetic

    @ 45:36 . Patrice knew his shit. It's always a class issue, disguised as race, to protect the real enemies of poor people black and white.

  • NotAWoman

    One of my favorite comedians of all time. He had a special way of perceiving things that not many other people saw. I just wish he could of took better care of himself.

  • Punditube

    Damn Patrice….did you just die out of shear depression?….goddammit mannnnnn,,,,,,,Didn't you realize we NEEDED you?…..WE NEED YOU MANNNN

  • yaziyo

    This podcast is pretty much the best of Patrice. It's amazing how Marc managed to let Patrice share his wisdom so excellently. Race, sex, show business, his mother, the statutory rape story and even a little bit about his diabetes.

    This should be the final exam Black Phillip 101.