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  • Paul Beet

    Does anyone know of a good online Lyme group please ? I´m in Mexico but I get to Ontario, Canada at times. I´ve been ill for 25 years with the illness formerly known as "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", but I can´t be sure because of a lack of good medical care. Thanks for this video Nick, which is a good starting place. I hope you´re well now !

  • muttkat1

    I got a round rash but not the bullseye rash. Did anybody who was diagnosed with Lyme just have a round rash & not the bullseye rash? Can you get bit by a tick that leaves a round rash but not get Lyme being I've been bitten about 4 or 5 times? I live in a rural area.

  • Kelsey Cate

    I've been sick for over a year and a half and I'm feeling like I have Lyme. I had the bulls eye rash as well a few weeks after I got sick. However I am so sick now that I need a walker to walk and I can't even go to the bathroom without using a catheter. Not sure what that is about if Lyme is activating my old medical issues with my bladder and Kindey that I had 17+ surgeries on. However my kidney seems to be fine. It's just my bladder isn't acting normal. It also hurts to put say a tampon in or have any sex. Sorry for being so graphic, but that was another symptom that I might have because I'm suffering another problem. However everything else you listed im suffering from. My topamax and mirgrane meds are not even working for my mirgraines even more. My pain killers just keep the pain at a stable 8. It just sucks. Any way I can get in contact with you to see if I can get that doctors info since I have family in long beach. Also if anyone is in the Virginia area if you have a doctor I would love to know. Military doctors are just not doing it for me.

  • Natalie P.

    How do you find out if it's chronical? I went through treatment 14 years ago, late stage of Lyme but in the end I was able to move properly again. I have some problems though – pain without any reason, mostly joints, sometimes head, huge fatigue. Blood test is negative. Nobody knows why I experience the pain, could it be like permanent symptom of Lyme? Even after treatment? Please, someone answer.

  • AnimationArea

    Dear Nick Truhan,
    You have Lyme Disease. We miss you. Kevin's biting me. Come back soon. Here is a drawing of a spirochete.
    Love, AnimationArea.

  • 4208jason

    Can a mom carry this to there unborn child?? And is it like a std my wife of 9 years found out like 5 years ago that she had it we have a 5 year old and a 6 month old.

  • Monk Tyson

    I am so happy that other people are also affected.
    It's so nice to see that your life is also destroyed by this disease.
    God is an asshole.
    The doctors do not believe you.
    Do not want to treat you.
    The Tests are inaccurate.
    Maybe we should start to kill some doctors, so that will change the things.

  • Kaylyn Mason

    Very informative. I've been dealing with all this worse and worse for about a year and a half now and it's so scary it always scares me plus the usual anxiety attacks. My mom is the one who researched and strongly believes this is what is wrong with me and now that I been researching I strongly agree. I hope you're doing much much better! It's deffinetly life changing. And I'm not happy with it lol.

  • Amie Swicegood

    Exactly what I have been dealt with for over a year….finally after thinking I was truly just going insane, I was diagnosed last Friday with, Meningitis from Mycoplasma Encephalitis after a 4 day hospital stay…..I found out the cause of Mycoplasma is in fact Lyme disease…..Mycoplasma is a co infection of Myco.
    Now to see if Lyme will be present inside of me.
    I feel Absolutely ROBBED of my health.
    I feel invaded and I am debilitated from this disease. And antibiotics are making me feel worse.
    I just leave it in Gods hands and DO MY OWN RESEARCH because Doctors will make you feel like you are lying.
    Good luck…i hope your symptoms subside .

  • Ben Frainklin

    Thank you so much for this. I have hade all of these symptoms and more over the past two years. It's good to know I'm not the only one experiencing these things. When I tell people I'm sick they don't believe me because I look fine. Now I don't feel so crazy.

  • Nevajac Frye

    I am very sick with Lyme, have had it for probably 12-13 years – just haven't received treatment but am close to getting in with a LLMD (Lyme literate doctor). I am at ROCK bottom.But – I wanted to address some of the comments. 1st: Lyme is spread by DEER ticks – not dog ticks. Deer ticks are TINY – you may not see them depending where they are on your body. Some are the size of a pin head, and they burrow under your skin, so may look like a freckle or mole.The testing you get at your doctors office is notoriously inaccurate (which is why there are so many people like me who get worse and worse over a long period of years as they go without treatment) . The standard Western Blot test has a 70% false negative rate. Also – only a small percentage of people get the bulls-eye rash – but if you DO – that means you definitely are infected. BTW – thank-you for making the video. When you have been this sick for this long, and doctors tell you they can't find anything, you do start to think you're crazy – even though you feel like you are dying and are so scared. When you here someone explain EXACTLY what's been happening to you is such a relief – you AREN'T crazy! There's an answer! Maybe you can get your life back!

  • Elise Burnor

    Thank you so much for sharing your story, incredibly affirming as I literally have the exact same path of symptoms. So encouraged to hear you're getting some relief and are in good hands. I understand the bumpy road nevertheless. Excited for your fully recovered days ahead. Much love and support from afar!


    Serious question: I for a couple years now have seen my once smart brain crumbling for an unknown reason and have always had extreme anxiety over getting dementia. Will I get dementia as my memory/concentration/brain fog/forgetfulness is so bad already and I'm only 22???I'm honestly up in bed crying in fear of dying that way to this. Anybody?

  • Jessica Trombley

    I have been symptomatic for half of my life. Written off as somatic and fibromyalgia. I have decided igenex testing is the only clear answer and getting healed from Lyme is for the wealthy. I have four kids, single mom… Who has $1000 laying around just for the Lyme and co infection testing alone, let alone a real Lyme literate doctor at $250/visit and all the herbal supplements and traditional medicine that will be refused subsidy by insurance company? I know I have Lyme but have tested negative for years and was not tested when it was essential to stop it in its tracks because I didn't have the rash. I have 90 symptoms that I can affirm from the book by Dr. Horowitz, and related to this video from start to finish. I guess you just die a slow and tragic death and leave your family to fend for themselves if you are not an indpendently wealthy individual.