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  • Jackie McCann

    I wonder if Edna is secretly psychic, because her design for Jack-Jack's suit completely foreshadowed his powers.

  • Epodmusic17

    "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." But she couldn't look back. Because if she did, she would be reminded of how many friends, clients, and heroes died because of her designs… That had to have been devastating for her, and yet she still does what she loves. She never quit. She never gave up. That in itself is truly incredible.

  • Jay Wimhurst

    Edna Mode is absolutely insane!
    "It can also withstand temperatures of over 1000 degrees!!!

    and machine washable darling, that's a new feature." WTF?

  • Sinapth

    Anyone get the feeling Enda may be a reformed super genius villain who decided that fashion design was far more interesting than taking over the world? XD

  • Taylor Daley

    "Jack Jack doesn't have any powers."
    "NO? Well, he'll look fabulous anyway."

    Edna is such a great character. Even though she only has a couple of defining scenes to herself, she comes across perfectly complete and completely perfect.

  • wolfkniteX

    I find this scene funny because it implies that Dash and Violet started showing powers at an early age. I mean can you imagine having to take care of a baby that can move at super speed and another that can turn invisible?

  • Naru

    I love how Edna intentionally caused conflict between the family in order to bring back the glory days and basicly she saved the day by making the Parr family know about Bob could be in trouble.

  • Inkling Sasha

    "Completely bulletproof… And machine washable darling, that's a new feature."
    The implication is that before, even if it WAS bulletproof, it would not survive being machine washed xD
    Fear the real killer!

  • MasterADG1

    I will never stop loving this movie. Definitely top 10 for me, and it is great for any audience. It's like Watchmen, but geared towards a general audience.

  • Sco

    I truly believe Edith Head, whom the character of Edna Mode is entirely based on, would be throughly delighted and completely approve of the way she is portrayed. She would no soubt get a good laugh out of it indeed RIP Edith Head no one will ever do what you did Much Love Smile Always